Open Letter to the Bundespräsidentin Doris Leuthard
One of the aims of the CSSC is to communicate the importance of climate change to the public through activism. This is not often a possibility. However, in 2015, the CSSC began collaborating with Swiss Youth For Climate (SYFC), a non-governmental organisation dedicated to raising awareness about climate change and climate negotiations amongst young people. In December 2015 the 21st Conference of the Parties was held in Paris. This was a major meeting of international government representatives. Their goal was to design an agreement that all parties would sign to combat climate change.
On the 19th of November 2015, the CSSC along with SYFC and many other environmental youth organisations got together to co-sign and hand over an open letter to a representative from the office of Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard (Switzerland's Federal President). In this letter, we asked the Bundesrätin to take more action regarding the climate, such as a deeper focus on climate policies, a stronger collaboration with youths and more effort to communicate with the public on climate issues. As the Climate Science Student Council, we are proud to have been involved in this project, and we will continue to collaborate with SYFC in the future. For those interested, read the open letter and check out the following links which will direct you to two media articles concerning the handover:
Open Letter: SYFC_OffenerBrief_LettreOuverte_final.pdf (PDF, 12.3 MB)
In the Media: RSI News and