Climate Science Student Council

Climate Career Evening 2016

Irrespective of the academic level (Masters, Phd or Post-doc), deciding what to do next can be a daunting experience. We further our education in the hope of finding a more rewarding and suited position, but what exactly the job market has to offer or how to get there is often shrouded in mystery. While an academic path in climate sciences may be straight forward, where and how to apply for a job in the public or private sector related to climate change isn’t as clear. By definition an education in climate sciences is multi-disciplinary. While this broad knowledge base makes Climate Sciences attractive, it also means that companies rarely seek a “Climate Scientist”. For these reasons, the Climate Science Student Council (CSSC) in collaboration with the Oeschger Center for Climate Science Research (OCCR) organised a climate career evening geared towards all MSc and PhD students of the Oeschger Center. The evening, which took place on April 28th, welcomed nine speakers from non-academic fields. Seven of the guests were OCCR alumni, having graduated from the programme within the last 10 years, and who now work in climate related careers. Speakers, including Lucien von Gunten (PAGES), Erin Gleeson (MRI), Alena Giesche (recent graduate), Fabienne Lanini (WWF), Stefan Meier (FOEN), Manuel Schläppi (Blaser SwissLube), Silvan Aerni (BAFU), Aurelian Jaggi (Eaternity) and Lukas Bühler (Zum Guten Heinrich), delivered 10 minute presentations followed by questions. The guests spoke of necessary skills such as project management, team-work and communication but also demonstrated that options for climate scientists are wide ranging and rewarding. But, like in every field, landing the perfect job requires patience, determination and a touch of luck! The evening ended with an “ice-breaker” vegetarian apero where students were given the opportunity to mingle, discuss and ask questions to the guests in a more relaxed and informal atmosphere. The event was a success for speakers and students alike. Where are YOU going next?