Climate Science Student Council

Titleimage: CSSC

Welcome to the Climate Science Student Council website!

Founded in September 2015, the CSSC represents the Master's and PhD students of the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research (OCCR). The CSSC’s role is both academic and social. Academic tasks include promoting contact between the students and faculty staff, advancing the exchange of knowledge between students and improving the quality of the MSc Climate Sciences programme. The CSSC strongly believes in strengthening the social cohesion among students, organising events and promoting the importance of climate change to the public. All MSc and PhD students of the OCCR are members of the CSSC.


Climate Beer Autumn Semester 2024

Greetings everyone, we hope your semester is off to a fantastic start! We're thrilled to announce a series of exciting events lined up. Join us for our recurring Climate Beers gathering every second Thursday of the month until Christmas. Make sure to mark your calendars! We can't wait to have you join us. Stay tuned for more details on our website and Instagram. 📅

